Hitz FM

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Information about Hitz FM
P. O. Box GP 17202, Accra, Ghana
CategoryTop 40,Pop
Programs and SpeakersEasy Listening, Hitz in De Klub, Saturday Wake Up Show, Hitz FM Jams, Hitz Gospel, Hilife Bosue, DJ's Choice, Hitz Gallery.

Hitz FM


Hitz FM has different programs to entertain the listeners, like Hitz FM Jams, Hitz Gospel, Saturday Wake Up Show, Hitz Gallery, DJ’s Choice, Hilife Bosue and Hitz in De.

Listen Frequency & Online

You can tune in to Hitz FM on 103.9 megahertz on your radio and visiting http://www.myjoyonline.com/ghana-news/hitzfm.php . They also air their programs on some Online radio websites so you can give it a try.

Social Network

Hitz FM is available on Facebook with over 230,000+ fan likes and we daily updates shared on this platform keeps their listener on the loop what is being aired and also listener can comment, and make suggestions.

They also can be found on Twitter where they presently have 120,000+ followers, this page keeps glowing as they keep their followers updated.


Hitz FM official website can be reached visiting http://www. myjoyonline.com/ according to their official Facebook page. The website was built with News/Magazine design, white background and a white/orange color theme. It’s a responsive and easy to navigate web portal.

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